Project number: NWE 588
Project acronym: cVPP
Project full title: Community-based Virtual Power Plant (cVPP): a novel model of radical decarbonisation based on empowerment of low-carbon community driven energy initiatives
Project start date: 20-Sep-2017 (36 months)
Project end date: 19-Sep-2020
Work Package: WP I1 Rural cVPP
Deliverable No: I1.1.4
Due date: June 2018
Submission date: 28-12-2018
WP Leader: Foundation Sustainable Projects Loenen, DPL
Partners involved: Foundation Sustainable Projects Loenen (DPL), Tipperary Energy Agency (TEA), EnerGent, Templederry Renewable energy Supply Limited. T/A Community Renewable energy supply (CRES)
Version: 1.0
Authors: André Zeijseink, René van Egmond (Translyse B.V.), Marcel de Nes Koedam, Jasper Kroondijk (Qirion B.V.)
To set up, implement and operate a community based Virtual Power Plant (“c-VPP”) it is necessary to have a suitable organizational entity. This is needed to facilitate and invest, commercially operate and maintain the c-VPP in a professional way, providing continuity and limited risks. In this document, the potential organizational set-ups according to the Dutch law are elaborated and evaluated for the situation in Loenen.