Project number: NWE 588
Project acronym: cVPP
Project full title: Community-based Virtual Power Plant (cVPP): a novel model of radical decarbonisation based on empowerment of low-carbon community driven energy initiatives
Project start date: 20-Sep-2017 (36 months)
Project end date: 19-Sep-2020
Work Package: WP T1 Conceptualisation of a transnational cVPP
Deliverable No: T1.3.1
Due date: November 2018
Submission date: 28-12-2018
WP Leader: Foundation Sustainable Projects Loenen, DPL
Partners involved: Foundation Sustainable Projects Loenen (DPL), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Tipperary Energy Agency (TEA), EnerGent
Version: 1.0
Authors: André Zeijseink, René van Egmond (Translyse B.V.), Jasper Kroondijk, Astrid van Sprang, Stefan Nellen, Marcel de Nes-Koedam (Qirion B.V)
This specific report focusses on the possible renewable sources that communities may have available within their area. The report is not meant to be an exhaustive overview of RES available in Europe, but will focus on those forms that are (relatively) readily available and describe newer emerging forms in less detail.